The Aida Collection

The Aida Collection

June 30, 2022

WebXR Hand Tracking Guide: After your last visit to the doctor’s office, all you can think about is Dr. Aida. You decide to give her a call to check in. Luckily for you, you receive an invitation to her home. When you arrive, you’re pleasantly surprised that Aida invited some friends who also want to enjoy the night with you. Enjoy Aida in all her glory. Press the blue “Stream Game” button to open the experience in a new tab. Once the game loads, select your settings and start playing. Key Features: – [New!] Passthrough AR Support – Quest Hand Tracking Support – Swat Mechanic when grabbing quickly – Bubble Shooter for melting clothing – Grab Tool for boobs and ass – Plenty of poses to explore – “Repeat Animation / Repeat Sex” to loop animations – Adjustable Boob size and physics – Custom Wardrobe – Scissors for accurate clothing removal – Eyes Follow Player (On/Off) Compatibility: – Oculus Quest (Hand Tracking Support) – Oculus Quest 2 (Hand Tracking Support) – Oculus Go – Pico 4 (No Hand Tracking Support, No AR) Variable Functionality Headsets: These may work at times. – Steam VR [Index] – Google Daydream – Oculus Rift (Microsoft Edge) – Oculus Rift S (Microsoft Edge) – WindowsMR (Microsoft Edge) – HTC Vive (Install Firefox Reality from Viveport) or (Microsoft Edge)

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